Monday, August 10, 2020

MAD MUMMY Gris Gris Girl Pt. 1

No good deed goes unpunished. This week Adam does a favor for his friend Colon who works in Egyptian antiquities at the museum and he gets more than he bargained for. But I'll let our furry feline narrator Mr. Ard explain the rest to you...

Next week the conclusion of Gris Girl ....don't miss it as the drumming beings.....



  1. I love mummies...I love voodoo...Make mine Voz Comics!!!

  2. Man, I hope you're selling the original art as well.

    1. B. Pruce: Well, none of the Mad Mummy art is for sale at the moment, but Mike and I have a couple hundred piece of art of his that is (including some pin-ups of some Mad mummy characters). Check it out and place an order:
